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Top 20 Cardiovascular Heart Sounds and Murmurs

Tuesday, March 11, 2025
A Navigation Guide for Top20Cardiovascular Heart Sounds and
Heart Sounds

Lub Dub, khanacademymedicine (9:49)

Using the diagram of the heart found in other cardiovascular videos, the heart is first labeled in order of blood flow. Heart sounds S1 and S2 are described in terms of what is happening in the valves to create the sounds.

Heart Sounds, Eric's Medical Lectures (31:27)

A great overview of heart sounds. This lecture provides audio clip sand descriptions of both normal and abnormal sounds. Sounds include S1, S2, S3, S4, clicks, opening snap and pericardial knock.

Learn Heart Sounds in 20 Minutes, ftplectures (20:09)

Dr. Adesina provides a great lecture to help you learn about heart sounds. He describes the location where you hear each sound and uses a cartoon to help with the descriptions.

Heart Sounds Page, Easy Auscultation

This is a great resource that you can use throughout your studies. There are lessons on Heart Sounds: Normal heart sounds, S1, S2, S3 and S4, systolic and diastolic murmurs, complex conditions, and congenital abnormalities. Each lesson contains a description and audio to listen to the heart sounds. You are advised to listen with headphones to get the best audio.

Heart Murmurs

Systolic murmurs, diastolic murmurs, and extra heart sounds - Part 1, khanacademymedicine (12:06)

Systolic murmurs, diastolic murmurs, and extra heart sounds - Part 2, khanacademymedicine (14:38)

How to identify murmurs, khanacademymedicine (9:01)

Use headphones when listening to these videos to really hear the murmurs. They are well described and explain when the murmur occur and what is happening to cause it.

Heart Murmurs, Eric's Medical Lectures (36:38)

This video focuses on the basic physiology behind murmurs to help you gain a foundation and then it describes the specific characteristics of murmurs and describes how to identify underlying cardiac pathology based on the characteristic of the heart murmur.

Cardiac Murmurs for USMLE Step 1, Joseph Benedict (32:44)

Using a dry erase board, Joseph describes murmurs in a manner that is easy for medical students to learn from. He describes systolic and diastolic murmurs as well as the normal heart sound.  He also describes where you would hear the sounds the best and what the causes of the murmur might be.

USMLE Step 1: Heart Murmurs, Boards and Beyond (22:45)

This video starts by explaining cardiac auscultation, laminar and turbulent flow. It also provides an introduction to murmur descriptions and grading murmurs before describing each of the murmurs individually in detail. Aortic stenosis,  aortic regurgitation,  mitral stenosis,  mitral regurgitation,  tricuspid/pulmonic disease, carcinoid heart disease, ventricular septal defect, and patent ductus arteriosus are all discussed in this video as well as respiratory changes, maneuvers, and clues to diagnosis.